Stop Redwood LIFE is working with Longfellow, the City planning and its consultants to develop an acceptable, smaller alternative plan.

We remain opposed to the original 3.3 million square feet plan and continue our petition campaign to ensure the delivery of a smaller alternative plan by Longfellow and approval by the city council. 

Jannuary 8, 2024 - Raimi and Associates

The Redwood City Council approved an agreement with Raimi and Associates to develop a new Precise Plan and EIR for the Redwood  Life Development. This plan will replace the current Westport Specific Plan. However, Longfellow's proposed 3.3 million square foot redevelopment can be the new Precise Plan. Raimi will also be responsible for community engagement, economic analysis and the development of alternative plan(s). A summary of the scope of services is below. 

Phase 1: Preliminary Analysis and Community Input

Phase 2: Precise Plan and EIR Development

July 24, 2023 - The city council agreed to support a CEQA study review for a smaller alternative plan of Redwood LIFE.

   On July 24, 2023, the Redwood City Council voted by 7 to 0 to: “Adopt a resolution of Intention to initiate proceedings to consider repeal of the Westport Specific Plan and adoption of a Precise Plan for the Redwood Life Research & Development Office and Life Sciences Campus proposal.”


   Stop Redwood Life has opposed Longfellow Development’s massive 3.3 million square foot plan for the Redwood Life redevelopment since October 2021.  Stop Redwood Life supported this City Council resolution, subject to our agreement of May 18, 2023, with Longfellow Development to use the information gathered during the associated CEQA review to develop smaller alternative plans.


   The Council members, Redwood City Planning staff and Longfellow all spoke of the importance of gathering input through community outreach, and of the goal for a smaller plan.  The consensus is that the “community” extends beyond Redwood Shores to include Redwood City, and, to an extent, surrounding cities that will be affected by transportation issues, etc.


Redwood City will hire a community outreach consultant by late September or October.  This consultant will report to planning staff and will work with the community and the developer.


The planning staff expect to use information gathered by the consulting firm conducting the CEQA review to refine mitigation issues on an ongoing basis while getting input from the community to “shape” alternatives before a final CEQA report is submitted.  This approach is consistent with the commitments made to Stop Redwood Life by Longfellow.

Stop Redwood LIFE has achieved its primary goal of stopping the massive development in Redwood Shores. However, our movement continues collecting and submitting signatures opposing the 3.3 million square feet plan until we have a SUBSTANTIALLY reduced plan.

June 20, 2023 - The Planning Commission has recommended to the city council a CEQA study review on the 3.3 million sq. ft. proposed plan and a robust community outreach engagement process by Longfellow, the developer, for community feedback on a reduced alternative plan. 

We support the Planning Commission recommendation to the city council for a CEQA review on July 24th of the existing plan to find the best smaller alternative plans.

May 18, 2023 - Stop Redwood LIFE has reached an agreement with Longfellow for smaller alternative plans!

Longfellow and Stop Redwood LIFE have agreed to support CEQA on the 3.3 million proposed plan and involve the community during the study to develop a smaller alternative plan for Redwood LIFE on May 18, 2023.


Our movement has achieved a milestone in stopping the current proposed massive plan. Mayor Gee and council member Howard have asked the planning department and Longfellow to come up with smaller alternative plana to Redwood LIFE's current 3.3 million sq. ft. life science campus in response to our opposition of its massive size on April 24th study session. They also requested community engagement.